TL0098 Honda Civic TYPE-R
The Limited Honda Civic is finally here, it will be ready on rack today at Litt Tak Hobby Shop Sungai Wang.
This round the limited has very little quantity available to public, it will be sold at retailer price RM23.90.
Honda's flagship sports car
Suspension / hood opening and closing
Remark: 200 units have been taken by pre-order, estimated less than 24 units are available at the store.
sometimes these Honda Civic carmodels just can spe...
sometimes these Honda Civic carmodels just can spend my whole savings
5 years ago
Wow, that's great but expensive! So, you take the pre-order or buy it today? :P
wow! thats one limited that you will not see on the racks for long, despite the high price. ^_^
aiks went there yesterday but told by the lady its sold out :(
the honda civic kinda hard to find as couldnt even get the normal version, any idea where to get hold of one Mr. Yeo?
same with me...not on rack already
Masih mengagumkan dengan roadshow Honda Civic
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